POTUS Is Defending Medicare And Social Security From Extreme MAGA Attacks

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressional Republicans are trying to deny their long history of threatening Medicare and Social Security – but President Biden isn’t letting them get away with it. He’s standing up for middle class families and defending these essential programs, which hardworking Americans have paid into their entire lives and millions of seniors rely on. He isn’t just defending Medicare and Social Security – he’s strengthening them. And as he’ll underscore in Florida today, he’ll keep fighting on behalf of working families to ensure these programs aren’t going anywhere.

Don’t just take our word for it: this is what Republicans in Congress have said on their plans to cut Medicare and Social Security:

  • Florida Senator Rick Scott’s 12-point plan puts Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block every five years. 
  • Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson thinks that doesn’t go far enough – he wants them on the chopping block every. Single. Year. Just this morning, he called these essential programs “a legal Ponzi scheme.”
  • Senator John Thune, a high-ranking member of Republican leadership, called for cuts to Medicare and Social Security in November. 
  • Utah Senator Mike Lee put it this way: “It will be my objective to phase out Social Security. To pull it up by the roots, and get rid of it.”
  • And the Republican Study Committee’s budget threatens Medicare and Social Security by raising eligibility ages and cutting benefits.

Read more about their extreme and deeply unpopular plans to cut Medicare and Social Security:

  • Washington Post: House GOP eyes Social Security, Medicare amid spending battle
  • Reuters: Republican House Conservatives Threaten Debt Limit Default to Cut Social Programs
  • FOX: Republicans eye using debt limit hike to overhaul entitlement programs if entrusted with majority
  • ABC: Biden to warn that Republicans in Congress will ‘undermine’ Medicare, Social Security
  • Slate: Republicans Are Angry at Joe Biden for Accurately Describing Plan to Sunset Social Security
  • Vanity Fair: Republicans Have Long Called for the Social Security and Medicare Cuts They Are Now Outraged By
  • Newsweek: List of Republicans Who Have Suggested Cutting Medicare, Social Security
