Building Back Together Statement on Government Funding Passage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2023
PRESS CONTACT: McKenzie Wilson, [email protected], 773-715-0169


WASHINGTON, D.C. — In response to the passage of government funding today, Building Back Together Interim Executive Director Mayra Macías released the following statement:

Building Back Together applauds President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, House Minority Leader Jeffries, and allies in Congress who stood firm against MAGA extremism and kept our government open.  Today’s avoidance of a shutdown was only made possible by their leadership and unrelenting work to ensure MAGA Republicans kept their word.

That said — it is truly absurd that House Republicans need to be applauded for simply doing their job and funding the government. But in a world where extremist MAGA Republicans have repeatedly held the economy hostage to exact extreme cuts from the programs hardworking families rely on most, any movement towards actually governing from Republicans in Congress is progress.

Thanks to the leadership of President Biden and Democratic Congressional leadership, today’s deal not only prevents a government shutdown that would have forced service members and government workers to work without pay, hurt small businesses, and hurt America’s middle and working class, but it also includes critical disaster relief requested by President Biden and reauthorizes the FAA.

That’s not to mention that tonight’s funding agreement does not cut one penny of funding to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the dozens of other programs extreme MAGA Republicans were attempting to slash just days ago.

Perhaps this experience can help MAGA House Republicans learn that their extreme fringe views are out of step with the American people — and that any attempts to crater the programs Americans rely on most will be stopped in their tracks by President Biden and allies in Congress.”
