Building Back Together Launches New Ad Campaign Celebrating the Inflation Reduction Act’s One-Year Anniversary

PRESS CONTACT: Eileen Garcia, [email protected]


The six-figure radio and digital buy will run in Spanish and English for Black and Latino audiences in Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Building Back Together, a nonprofit messaging and organizing hub, announced a new six-figure radio and digital English and Spanish ad buy celebrating the one-year anniversary of President Biden signing the Inflation Reduction Act into law.

The ad campaign will air a 60-second Spanish radio and digital ad and a 30-second English radio and digital ad on stations in Atlanta, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Phoenix for Black and Latino audiences. The two ads highlight how middle-class families across the country are saving on health care, prescription drugs, energy bills, and more thanks to this historic legislation.

“In just one year since President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, families all across the country are already seeing its benefits. From more affordable health insurance premiums to lower energy costs, it’s clear that the Inflation Reduction Act is living up to its name,” said Eileen Garcia, spokesperson for Building Back Together. “This ad campaign will help ensure communities that have historically been left behind know that the Biden–Harris Administration is delivering for everyday people.”

Listen to Building Back Together’s English radio ad: “Deliver

Lower costs? Yes, it’s happening.

The Inflation Reduction Act signed into law by President Biden is building an economy that works for our families

By reducing the cost of prescription drugs and capping insulin prices to $35 a month for Medicare recipients

Lowering health insurance premiums

And cutting back our monthly energy bills

No doubt about it

The Inflation Reduction Act is lowering the cost of living

And President Biden is delivering real results – for us.

Listen to Building Back Together’s Spanish radio ad: “A Bajo Costo

Andrea: Hola Pilar, ¿cómo estás?

Pilar: ¡Hola comadre, que gusto me da verte! ¿No andabas de viaje?

Andrea: No, comadre. De hecho, voy a ir a México la próxima semana ¿necesitas algo?

Pilar: ¡Ay, si! ¡Mi insulina por favor! Pues aquí está muy cara.

Andrea: Ay comadre, no te he dicho, gracias a Dios y a la nueva ley de Biden, el costo de la insulina va a bajar!

Pilar: ¿De veras?

Andrea: Si, con la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación que el presidente Biden firmó, el costo de los medicamentos va a bajar y también limita el pago de la insulina a treinta y cinco dólares al mes para los que tienen Medicare.

Pilar: Es que es increíble que esté bajando el precio de la insulina – siempre sube.

Andrea: ¡Si comadre! Y fijate que por eso las grandes compañías farmacéuticas también están bajando sus precios de insulina y de otros medicamentos.

Pilar: ¡Ay, qué bueno comadre! Gracias al presidente Biden ahora si puedo ahorrar para mi casita.
