FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 29, 2021
PRESS CONTACT: [email protected]


Voters support President Biden’s agenda to lower costs and force the ultra-wealthy to pay their fair share by a double-digit margin in key states and battleground House Districts

Washington, D.C. — New polling commissioned by Building Back Together and conducted by ALG Research, surveying registered voters in key states and 48 battleground House districts across the country, shows that President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and reconciliation plan to lower costs for working families and ensure the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share is supported by voters by a double-digit margin.

The polling also underlines that voters are prepared to reward members of Congress who work to pass this historic legislation. According to the memo from John Anzalone and Matt Hogan of ALG Research: “Based on our findings, it’s clear that there’s strong majority support in battleground congressional districts for a robust legislative package that lowers the cost of essentials like health care and cuts taxes for the middle class, paid for by taxing the ultra-wealthy and big corporations. Backing this agenda bodes well for members of Congress, giving them a 15-point bump among voters in battleground districts.”

The survey also shows that the plan to pay for the critical investments in the Build Back Better Agenda by raising taxes on the ultra-wealthy and big corporations is hugely popular. According to the pollsters, having the plan paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations is so popular that even when voters only hear the price tag and how it will be paid for, they are more likely to support the plan based just on that information. 

The polling, conducted by ALG Research, surveyed registered voters in key states and battleground districts: AZ-01, AZ-02, CA-10, CA-16, CA-21, CA-25,  CA-39, CA-45, CA-48, CA-49, CT-05, FL-07, FL-27, GA-06, GA-07, HI-01, IA-03, IL-14, KS-03, ME-02, MI-08, MI-11, MN-02, NE-02, NH-01,   NJ-03, NJ-05, NJ-07, NJ-11, NV-03, NV-04, NY-19, NY-24, OR-04, OR-05, PA-01, PA-07,   PA-08, PA-17, TX-07, TX-15, TX-24, TX-28, TX-32, TX-34, VA-02, VA-07, WA-08, WI-03.


To: Interested Parties
From: John Anzalone and Matt Hogan, ALG Research
Re: Poll Findings From Battleground House Districts on the Build Back Better Agenda 

Commissioned by Building Back Together, from September 13 – 19, 2021, ALG Research recently conducted a mixed-mode survey of registered voters in 48 battleground congressional districts on the Build Back Better Agenda.

Based on our findings, it’s clear that there’s strong majority support in battleground congressional districts for a robust legislative package that lowers the cost of essentials like health care and cuts taxes for the middle class, paid for by taxing the ultra-wealthy and big corporations. Backing this agenda bodes well for members of Congress, giving them a 15-point bump among voters in battleground districts.

Below are key findings from the poll:

  • Voters in battleground districts support the Build Back Better reconciliation plan by a double-digit margin. These voters support the plan by 11 points (54% support / 43% oppose). Independents in these districts are even more likely to support it, backing it by a 15-point margin (55% / 40%).

  • Voters indicate they are prepared to reward members of Congress who support the Build Back Better Agenda, and vote against those who don’t. Battleground district voters say they are more likely to vote for a member of Congress who backs the reconciliation plan by 15 points (52% more / 37% less), and are prepared to punish those who oppose it by 11 points (36% more / 47% less).
  • Concern over the Build Back Better plan’s price tag is diminished when we explain that the plan will be paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations. Having the plan paid for by raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations is so popular that even when voters only hear the price tag and how it will be paid for, they are more likely to support the plan based just on that information.
  • Allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices was the most popular of the 16 components of the Build Back Better plan tested. Over two-thirds of battleground district voters (71%) say this component makes them more likely to support the reconciliation plan. It is especially popular with seniors, but also the most popular component among both Independents and those voters who are persuadable on the reconciliation plan. Highlighting this aspect of the plan, as well as how it will bolster Medicare benefits for vision, hearing, and dental, allows supporters of the reconciliation plan to rebut an attack based on a recent American Action Network ad by a 32-point margin in these competitive districts (60% side with supporters / 28% side with opponents).
  • That the Build Back Better plan won’t increase the national debt is another popular component of the package. 62% of battleground district voters say they are more likely to support the plan because “it won’t raise the national debt by one penny.”

About the poll: 

  • 545 voters in 48 battleground congressional districts were polled between September 13-19, 2021. 66% of interviews were conducted via cell phone (either with live dialers or text-to-web), 15% were conducted online, and 19% were conducted over landlines. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish. The margin of error for the battleground CD sample is +/- 4.2%. 
  • States polled: AZ, FL, GA, MI, MN, NC, NH, NV, OH, PA, VA, WI, and WV. Districts polled: AZ-01, AZ-02, CA-10, CA-16, CA-21, CA-25,  CA-39, CA-45, CA-48, CA-49, CT-05, FL-07, FL-27, GA-06, GA-07, HI-01, IA-03, IL-14, KS-03, ME-02, MI-08, MI-11, MN-02, NE-02, NH-01, NJ-03, NJ-05, NJ-07, NJ-11, NV-03, NV-04, NY-19, NY-24, OR-04, OR-05, PA-01, PA-07, PA-08, PA-17, TX-07, TX-15, TX-24, TX-28, TX-32, TX-34, VA-02, VA-07, WA-08, WI-03.
